part 21, 2010
(Vladimir Kush)
My sweet grandma past away. I wish she is having the greatest time wherever she is.
part 20, 2010
Today me and some friends from school was out in the nice big sun and played football.
part 19, 2010
I was at the big opera today, watched the ballet Don Chisciotte.
It was just so lovely.
It was all a big fairytale, and the balletdancer never seemed to stop here perfect pirouettes.
I loved all the thousands of balconies. It was like small apparments between eachothers.
part 18, 2010
Hopefully I will move to another appartment soon. Spent so much time in this cute room though..
part 17, 2010
This is what I saw outside my window one morning.
I waved but he didn't see me.
part 16, 2010
part 15, 2010
the ashcloud from Iceland made my trip back to italy impossible.
I sort of paniced by the thought of staying in Sweden, so then the solution came, there was a car driving to Rome, so I went with it.
part 14, 2010
Your love is like the water
It's sparking on the stone
Your love is like the music
First it's here and then it's gone
Come and take me to the airport
part 13, 2010
part 12, 2010
Some street-poetry:
4 Years
small and worhtless
Hade I've been bigger
I still would be invisible
The love to hide
breathing quietly and doesn't move a limb
You should've forget me
Even if I'm standing alone on an arena
and swimming in the spotlight
the reason why I'm homeless
is that I'm hiding outside
but no one is calling for a nameless man
53 years
bigger and worthless
long live the art
that makes me visible
part 11, 2010
Took the chance to meet my awsomeness brothers children. they're the greatest del mondo.
part 10, 2010
my grandma is sick, so took a last minute flight to Sweden. She was so weak, and I really didn't know what to tell her. I told her she looked sweet. She did.
part 9, 2010
Today I went for a walk in the park. Ate pizza from my favorite place and met a really cute old man with his dog Tanja. He told me he met 4 ufo:s in Rome and how his last dog died. Great sunday.
part 8, 2010
yesterday I was out dancing. Someone with higheels killed my foot and it turned blue this morning. So you know.
part 7, 2010
we went to Frascati, a small village close to Rome, with a beatiful view over the capital city.
part 6, 2010
we had a pig-party.
part 5, 2010
part 4, 2010
went to the ocean today.
part 3, 2010
part 2, 2010
then I moved to italy, rome. this is my new limegreen room I will spend unknown time in.
part 1, 2010
I ate the usual breakfast and send the last of my belongings to my mother.