the 2010-part.
photo; Carl Warner
So... Today it's new year eve!
Lets see how 2010 was...
My 2010's most frequently eaten food: pasta carbonara when was in rome!
My 2010's new favorite artist: Definitely Judy Henske
My 2010's greatest decision: Going to Rome. After that the great decisions just flowed.
My 2010's best buy: Probably my highheal shoes that i've wornt soo many times and never hurt my feets, that or the pasta carbonara I had in rome in a lovely lovely restaurant.
2010's sadest: When grandma died and her house got sold.
My 2010's greatest hugs: the first was when my mom came and visited me in Rome and the second was when my sister came and visited.
My 2010's greatest discover: Soul music! Sad songs singing in a happy mood, can it be better?
My 2010's greatest picknicks: At park Villa Ada in Rome. Alone with a book or together with friends, ahh lovely days.
2010's greatest beer: A peroni with my new found friend Emil when being in Rome.
My 2010's first 'coming home'-moment: When arriving to London
My 2010's 2nd 'coming home'-moment: When lying in P's bed looking at the blue & white curtains, realising that I'm his girlfriend.
My 2010's craziest cartrip: With the rome-crew to Florence
My 2010's funniest studying: Italian, while walking street up and down in Rome, talking nonsense to strangers.
My 2010's ego boost: When I started working on Accesorize in London.
My 2010's missing: My sister, mom, brothers and nephews, all year long.
My 2010's favorite movie: Winnie the pooh
My 2010's manathon: In Brussels with my 2 super girl-friends. (friends that are girls, ok?)
2010's biggest wow-experience: When watching a opera in the big big opera house in Rome.
2010's weirdest feeling: The first night in Rome.
part 86, 2010
a couple of weeks ago my getting-sick-period started. first out: earinflammation. :(
then I started a new job over xmas, and kept on working at the pub. which stressed me out completly. so I quit the pubjob and carried on with the other job. and then I realised I had to move, my rent is too high and my income is not. so; started to look for new job (if the xmas job wasn't going to be extended) and new flat while working and being sick all time. Zzzzzzzz...
well. thing's worked out. soon soon soon.
part 86, 2010
and the day after we had a great great great breakfast at a café here in crouch end, which I've always wanted to eat in.
mmm mmm mmm!
part 85, 2010
one day me and P was a little bit bored and a lot of hungry.
...After some serious persuasion that 'sandwich cake' is the greatest thing on eart to eat, we started to create this piece of art. oh my how I love this food-cake!
part 84, 2010
I live here! (had to steel this pic. from e's facebook, sorry!)
my room is the one on the second floor, with the balcony!
...and welcome in to my small room! and if you turn around it looks like...
part 83, 2010
today I bought a autumny shirt with leaves and long 70's collar on. so with high waist, slimmed trousers and curly hair I will look like anyone from 'that 70's show'
(a mix of Kitty & Laurie if u ask me ;)
the weekend before my birthday me and my friends went to the local pub 'kiss the sky' and had I nice evening together!
part 82, 2010
the whole wizard of oz-family was there!
..infact, more of the 'adults' were dressed up than the younger people. which was really nice! we played classical games like 'catch the apple' (on a string, with your teeth and your arms tied back. also, the string is held by a friend so the apple goes up & down all the time... and offcourse you get spinned before playing!) and 'guess the food' (where the most weird answers came up; 'mustard flavoured with parsley' (ketchup) 'sand' (baking powder I think').
they played some live irish folkmusic for my delight!
here's a sample before the violinist joined.
emma :)
this little devil girl played the flute as she's been doing it for 30 years. mm what a lovely tune it was! so impressed. and yeah, that must have been my greatest halloween so far!