part 32, 2013
Woke up and realized it was our last day on our holiday... Time to present all the cactai in our courtyard. So this is the tiny round one.
...The furry one...
...The one that looked like an autumn stew...
...The traditional one...
...And the most painful one! Walked into it by mistake three times and MAN it hurt! It had little tiny dagger-fur attacking a big area of skin if you touched it. Evil!
We got (un)dressed...
...To enjoy the last of the sun and the beach.
...We had an amazing last meal by the beach. With loads of streetcats as company.
Then we walked around in the town for the last time.
...And it was time to say goodbye :'(
A poet from Lindos named Manoli Lampis wrote:
And beautiful Lindos
Your scents can be felt from far away
And when the stranger first sees you
He is lost for words
You are something he tries
To take back with him.
Holding his hand
He uses his camera
And shots he takes non-stop
So he can have in life
No matter how much
a poet writes about you
is never enough
Many are those who cried
After seeing you when having to go away.