part 25, 2013

...And this is how the rest of the late summer looked like.
So leave that click in my head
And I will remember the words that you said
Left a clouded mind and a heavy heart
But I was sure we could see a new start

part 24, 2013

And then it was time for P's old school friend Matt, to get married to his beautiful Laura. Aram had the great honour to be an 'usher' ('their sole task is ushering guests to their seats before the ceremony').
The beautiful bridesmaids...
...followed by the magical bride
and the crowd.
the sound of the guitar strings so perfectly picked, as the only sound as they entered the ceremony..
they said their vows, hugged and kissed and then they became husband and wife.
The setting was so beautiful.
Lotti was by my side <3
The dapper guys <3
we showed in a fairytale for a day,
this is me for the day.
The lively conversations...
..the band...
...The bride...
... the party...
....and it continued with Toms claw-addiction.
..But he actually got some real claw-skills!
anyhow, an amazing day, or as they said them selves 'an awesome wedding'.

part 23, 2013

And then we were back in UK, but still had a crush for the countryside. So we went to a farm for self-picking.
(caught P in very important 'sampling-action')
what we took with us home; onions, strawberries, raspberries and spinach.
home and rinse everything. The spinach and onion went into a delicious quiche. The strawberries and raspberries went into a....
Crumble! Love the countryside <3