part 35, 2012

Today I went to have a fika with these lovely ladies. It was Lottis birthday 2 weeks ago and we finally managed to meet up and give our gifts.
Spy-photo of Lotti buying a blueberry muffin.
But oh no! She accidentally picked the wrong one with jam & lots of seed in. How dissapointing...
Then me and Emma went to the newly opened Victoria Secret. It was defenetely a luxurious experience with amazing staff and how glamorous underwear. Unfortunately a bit too expensive for my budget at the moment. 
then I went home and did some glamorous food shopping..
bought some weird fruit, such as: tangerines (not so weird), physalis (a little bit weird) and lyches (very weird!)
our garden-pig was jolly as usual
tidied the whole flat and made it supercosy and then just waited for my darling to come home. Ahhh.

part 34, 2012

I had a long walk along Londons street last night. I love looking in to peoples windows as I walk buy, fantasising what they are up to.

I always get lost
When I leave the village
I'm keeping up with the moon on an all night avenue

part 33, 2012

I thought I would introduce you all to one of my rooms in our flat; The kitchen! It's tiny tiny so If we both trying to make food it's all very snuggly as you need to stretch over each other to reach anything.
We are even stocking things on top of the cupboards to make it work. We have to think hard before we buy anything, cos the lack of space.
One of my favourite things in the kitchen, besides the fridge magnets, is this little friend! He stands next to the microwave and looks like the chicken from Disneys 'little chicken', just as geeky and his legs are situated, as you can see, on the left side of his body, and still standing. Sweet!

part 32, 2012

When I have random days off in the middle of the week they always start like this; with a massive energy-kick breadfast.
1 slice of toast with cheese, tomato, fresh oregano, olive oil & herb salt
1 slice of toast with blackberry jam
1 bowl of natural yoghurt, grapes & honey
1 cup of tea
1-2 episodes of seinfeld/frasier/secret millionaire in my dressing gound.
an assurance of the autumn is knocking on your door: All the apples from your only tree are lying in the grass. Almost looks like christmas tree-bobbles :)
I need to snuggle so much more, and watch more movies, and drink lots of many more cups of hot chocolate, just thinking of the autumn.
Then my panther of a neighbour came and wanted lots of love.
and love I gave him <3

part 31, 2012

The next day, which also was the last day before our departure day, we started off with some good shopping. These were my bargains from some second hand shops: bag 15.- (£1.50) and shoes 30.- (£3).
Then we went to visit my dearest friend Vonk with her Oscar and their cats. They have bought an amazing big house, so they're always busy with some new project.
Veronica <3
part of their amazing garden

We had a bbq and talked and talked and pretended summer would never finish and there were no such thing as autumn or winter.
Oscar. We drank up, took the bus home to my mom, fell asleep and the next day we went on the plane back to London.
Felt so empty coming home to London, knowing I wont see all of these lovely people until maybe beginning of next year. Next year. This year has just started!

part 30, 2012

The next day started very sunny so we were being lazy in the garden for a couple of hours
berry picking on a straw <3
Mum had put new outer boards on my house and painted them. It looked so pretty :)

and an overgrowing greenhouse...

then we went home to my brother and met up with the TTT's (the Two Tiny Terrors). <3 <3 <3 They've grown so much it's incredible. And how much I've missed them!!!

part 29, 2012

The next day we took the car and headed out to the countryside
and to a moose park!
We thought this would be the closest we would get to the mooses and took as many pictures as possible of the king of the forest,
Lovely lovely forest
cool stamps
and very cool people...
then we walked a bit and just by the fence the mom and her twins were chilling out in the mud!
very exciting!
we saw the sweetest little red forest squirrel aswell. :)
Underneath the trees there were cones eaten by squirrels, everywhere!
another baby-moose :) :) :)

and as we were gonna exit the park we saw mr. king having himself some food!
Bye bye mr. king!
The postcard haha...
we went to have a fika
one out of many many many fikas! :D
Got home to a lovely mum and a lovely meal
Findus was very jealous over our food
And after a dip in the lake, a movie and some glasses of wine this day was over.

part 28, 2012

The next day we drove to the beach and enjoyed the great weather
Then we met up with Mickah for some serious mini golf!
P won!
Then we went to buy ice cream on an ice cream-boat
Walked along the river bank and looked at expensive houses
Wall of fame...
gingerbread-house-look-a-like :)
Then we went to play pool-golf/billiard-golf/snooker-golf!
There were 6 different balls to have for different tracks. So much fun!
Mickah won! Excellent day :)

part 27, 2012

The next day we went to grab a hungover-pizza in one of the small towns 20-30 pizzerias!!!
I choose one with meat and bernaise sauce on. Mmm!
Then we took the bus to the even smaller town, where my mom lives, to the lake.
I was not feeling amazing so I skipped taking a dip in.
But P was brave, and by the body language to judge it wasn't too hot..

The marks on the bridge is from winter times when mum try to break through the ice with her axe, (so she can jump in...) but hitting the bridge instead!

part 26, 2012

In the beginning of august me & P packed our bags and flew over to my homecountry, and to my lovely lovely mum in south Sweden!
Big bun-party was on the agenda for a special little girl for her first birthday! It was a very special sunny day, because the whole family was gathered, even though the mum has been very ill and have had to be in the hospital from time to time. But today everyone was there and enjoying the company and the summer and the life. <3
Later in the evening it was time for another party! My lovely sister had recently had her 25th birthday so it was time for balloons and friends!
A guy came out wearing my old pumpkin suit I made when I was 14...It's still SO cool and huggable!
(this is how I looked in it in 2007? 2006?)
Anyhow, back to the party, met my supergirls I've missed TOO much! <3
And my lovely sister! She got nice a bike from her friends, she was kinda happy :)
Another super person I've missed to bits, my brother!
Balloon game
Lotti gets ballooned by Oscar