part 31, 2011

And then it was new years eve! Me and Paul went to a friends house party and when we arrived we all got party bags with new years necessities!


The host Aram and his Laura

Arams fish Rocky was not feeling well at all. Apparentely his under-water-bladder-something had stopped working so he was just floating around on the surface waiting to die :( (and I wonder if vets do surgery on goldfishes and in that moment I wished they did)

and I was there aswell. For the first time on super ages I'd done my nails and was feeling fancy.

Beautiful Sanne, Lottis lil sister, was visiting perfectly for the new years

The champagne came in and the countdown began

Happy new year!


And so we danced and played charades and drank and and

And here's the super crew! Wow what an evening...

part 30, 2011

Then november ended and it was beginning of December and I went for a birthday-fika with Emma :)

My birthdayflowers were looking a bit sad but I sort of love the colours of dying roses..

And the kings-cross-sky was magical almost every evening.

I look up at the blue sky
And I know it's just
a temporary dive

Sometimes we tip toe
Sometimes we run
Sometimes we wander while
Looking at the sky

part 29, 2011

And then there was the third celebration day of my birthday - my actual birthday! I made myself a classic birthday breakfast in front of the telly

One of many super good b-day cards.

said hello to a squirrel on my way to the city

and met up with some lovely girls for a birthday-fika!

Saralainen (she's half finnish)

And when I got home with my flowers and sat down and that was that birthday and I might be the luckiest birthdaygirl in the world.

part 28, 2011

And then there was the second celebration day of my birthday. (yes you can extend your birthday how many days you want!)Woke up very sleepy after the adventures day before and found a letter saying I had a massive treasure hunt in front of me!

with puzzles, maps, math-puzzle, google search and much much more! It took me over one hour to get to the precious gift... Which was a pair of Dr. Martens!

(actually it was another red pair inside the present but unfortunately they'd sent the wrong size and then there were no pair left of that style so I got the classic black ones!) Love love love them.