part 29, 2012

The next day we took the car and headed out to the countryside
and to a moose park!
We thought this would be the closest we would get to the mooses and took as many pictures as possible of the king of the forest,
Lovely lovely forest
cool stamps
and very cool people...
then we walked a bit and just by the fence the mom and her twins were chilling out in the mud!
very exciting!
we saw the sweetest little red forest squirrel aswell. :)
Underneath the trees there were cones eaten by squirrels, everywhere!
another baby-moose :) :) :)

and as we were gonna exit the park we saw mr. king having himself some food!
Bye bye mr. king!
The postcard haha...
we went to have a fika
one out of many many many fikas! :D
Got home to a lovely mum and a lovely meal
Findus was very jealous over our food
And after a dip in the lake, a movie and some glasses of wine this day was over.


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