part 35, 2012

Today I went to have a fika with these lovely ladies. It was Lottis birthday 2 weeks ago and we finally managed to meet up and give our gifts.
Spy-photo of Lotti buying a blueberry muffin.
But oh no! She accidentally picked the wrong one with jam & lots of seed in. How dissapointing...
Then me and Emma went to the newly opened Victoria Secret. It was defenetely a luxurious experience with amazing staff and how glamorous underwear. Unfortunately a bit too expensive for my budget at the moment. 
then I went home and did some glamorous food shopping..
bought some weird fruit, such as: tangerines (not so weird), physalis (a little bit weird) and lyches (very weird!)
our garden-pig was jolly as usual
tidied the whole flat and made it supercosy and then just waited for my darling to come home. Ahhh.


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