part 26, 2012

In the beginning of august me & P packed our bags and flew over to my homecountry, and to my lovely lovely mum in south Sweden!
Big bun-party was on the agenda for a special little girl for her first birthday! It was a very special sunny day, because the whole family was gathered, even though the mum has been very ill and have had to be in the hospital from time to time. But today everyone was there and enjoying the company and the summer and the life. <3
Later in the evening it was time for another party! My lovely sister had recently had her 25th birthday so it was time for balloons and friends!
A guy came out wearing my old pumpkin suit I made when I was 14...It's still SO cool and huggable!
(this is how I looked in it in 2007? 2006?)
Anyhow, back to the party, met my supergirls I've missed TOO much! <3
And my lovely sister! She got nice a bike from her friends, she was kinda happy :)
Another super person I've missed to bits, my brother!
Balloon game
Lotti gets ballooned by Oscar


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