part 82, 2010

on halloween I went to a party at a friends familys house.


the whole wizard of oz-family was there!



..infact, more of the 'adults' were dressed up than the younger people. which was really nice! we played classical games like 'catch the apple' (on a string, with your teeth and your arms tied back. also, the string is held by a friend so the apple goes up & down all the time... and offcourse you get spinned before playing!) and 'guess the food' (where the most weird answers came up; 'mustard flavoured with parsley' (ketchup) 'sand' (baking powder I think').



they played some live irish folkmusic for my delight!




here's a sample before the violinist joined.



emma :)



this little devil girl played the flute as she's been doing it for 30 years. mm what a lovely tune it was! so impressed. and yeah, that must have been my greatest halloween so far!


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