part 40, 2010

how could I not be this dramatic?

I wish I could stop this drama, in my head.

My greatest friend here in Rome is just parted for going home for (i know, JUST) 2 months. It's too hard when everyone you start to like is going home. It hurts so much. I'm rooted here. Now every root have to be 'rooted up' and you have to find a new place to get rooted. or something.

And also, what will happen if people stopped daydreaming, just lived in the reality, never to dream? Cos' people allways say 'you have to stop daydream' but what would  b e  l e f  t ?

Okey, maybe the reality would be a bit easier to catch up with, but how funny has the reality ever been, as the fiction? I guess everyone would live a simple, true life, and then get depressed. Or the other way. Can not decide.

Hands down, I'm too proud for love
But with eyes shut It's you I'm thinking of


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